The Reasons to Hire an Ethical Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer

The Reasons to Hire an Ethical Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer

There is a myth that a shady personal injury lawyer can get you the most money. That is absolutely not true. In fact, the shadier the lawyer, the less money that you are going to get. Why? Because a shady lawyer is going to try to put more of your money in his/her pocket. That […]

What Does It Mean When a Tampa Insurance Company Only Accepts a Percentage of Fault?

What Does It Mean When a Tampa Insurance Company Only Accepts a Percentage of Fault?

Not all car accident cases are clear-cut or straightforward; sometimes, establishing liability can prove to be an uphill battle. In this article, we’ll discuss what it means when an insurance company only accepts partial liability (or fault) and some scenarios when they might do so. This basically means the insurance company is claiming that you […]

How Much Compensation for Anxiety After a Car Accident in Tampa?

How Much Compensation for Anxiety After Car Accident in Tampa?

The physical injuries after being in a car accident are easier to see but the emotional ones can have just as serious an impact. Anxiety can have an extreme effect on your life, changing the way you face everyday situations such as being able to get into a vehicle again or perform your job at […]

How Tampa Truck Accidents Are Different than Car Accidents

How Tampa Truck Accidents Are Different than Car Accidents

In this article, we’ll discuss what sets Tampa trucking accidents apart from other types of traffic collisions. The main reason truck accidents usually have much more disastrous outcomes than passenger collisions is because of their size. Large commercial trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, whereas normal passenger vehicles weigh on average only 4,000 pounds. […]

Did You Experience Sciatic Nerve Injury after an Accident in Tampa?

Did You Experience Sciatic Nerve Injury after an Accident in Tampa?

If you experienced pain, muscle weakness, or numbness in your lower back, or legs, you may have experienced sciatica or a sciatic nerve injury. According to the Mayo Clinic, a sciatic nerve injury is one that creates pain which radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs through the lower back, […]

How to File a Police Report After an Accident in Tampa

How to File a Police Report After an Accident in Tampa

If you have had a car accident in Tampa, it is important to file a police report. The following article will provide the information for you to properly file a police report in Tampa and how to obtain it afterward. A report can still be filed online up to 10 days afterward if the police […]

Tampa Bicycle Accident Cases in 2023

Tampa Bicycle Accident Cases in 2023

Bicycles are a popular mode of transportation in Tampa, as the weather conditions are ideal, and the locality provides plenty of flat terrain for easy bike riding. Unfortunately, Florida bicycle accident rates are amongst the highest in the country. A bicycle accident can cause catastrophic injuries or even death. A person on a bike with […]

Sleeping Tips After a Car Accident

Sleeping Tips After a Car Accident

Following these sleeping tips after a car accident can help you if you’re one of the many victims who have experienced sleeping troubles. From whiplash to PTSD, a lack of sleep can lead to problems in the day. Fatigue and minimal sleep can lead to reduced concentration, health issues and problems at work or in […]

Motorcycle Laws You Should Know Before You Ride in Tampa

Motorcycle Laws You Should Know Before You Ride in Tampa

Tampa, Florida, provides some of the most scenic roads for a motorcycle ride, but there are laws you need to know before riding. It’s not all about fun; safety is important when it comes to riding motorcycles to prevent accidents that can end in severe injuries, as motorcycle accidents often do. While Florida’s perfect weather […]

Experiencing Incontinence After a Tampa Car Accident?

Experiencing Incontinence After a Tampa Car Accident?

This article is intended to help educate women on incontinence after a car accident so they can hire an experienced Tampa car accident lawyer to pursue a case if they experienced such complications after a Tampa car accident. Incontinence, or bladder control issues, can result from car accident injuries, but many women are unaware of […]